Blue-grey tanager in exhibit

Blue-grey Tanager

Scientific Name
Thraupis episcopus
Geographic Range
Mexico, Central and South America
Fruit (also insects and nectar)
Blue-grey tanager in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern

More Information

Blue-grey tanagers are named for their two-toned coloration: gray or light blue on their head and chest, deepening to bright blue along their wings and tail. They are 6 inches long and weigh just 1 ounce. These small tropical birds have black eyes and a short, think, bluish-gray bill. They prefer semi-open areas and high spaces, often feeding at the tops of trees.

Blue-grey tanagers live in pairs but sometimes form large flocks. They are known to be active and aggressive toward other species. During breeding season from March to September, females lay one to three eggs on consecutive days, incubating them for two weeks. Both parents feed the chicks and the young fledge at around 18 days. They may have two clutches per season.

Did You Know?

  • Males and females build deep, cup-shaped nests up to 66 feet above ground. They are made from smooth materials and leaf strips, then lined with moss and spider webs.
  • They may also use the nests of other birds, modifying those that were created by larger species or stealing ones made by smaller birds.
  • These birds thrive near human settlements and can often be seen using bird feeders.


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