Bourke's parrot in exhibit

Bourke’s Parrot

Scientific Name
Neophema bourkii
Geographic Range
Grass seed and shoots of young plants
Bourke's parrot in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern

More Information

Bourke’s parrots are small, 7.5-inch long birds about 1.5 ounces in weight. They have olive coloration along with a pink chest, blue wings, and white feather margins. Females and juveniles look similar but are paler in color. They are fast fliers and feed mainly on the ground during dawn and dusk. These birds are quiet and shy, preferring open woodlands and small plains.

They are also monogamous. Breeding season takes place between August and December. The birds build nests in hollow limbs or holes in mulga and acacia trees. They lay four to five eggs at a time and incubate them for around 20 days. Chicks fledge after four weeks and become independent 10 days later.

Did You Know?

  • Their colors provide excellent camouflage with the sandy Australian soil.
  • Bourke’s parrots may gather in flocks of up to 1,000 individuals, especially at watering holes in dry weather. They are nomadic, moving on to new territories after several years.
  • Their populations are increasing; they benefit from habitat degradation, which creates more suitable places for them to live.


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