Sichuan takin in exhibit

Sichuan Takin

Scientific Name
Budorcas taxicolor tibetana
Geographic Range
Southwest China
Leaves, shoots, and twigs

Found in:

Sichuan takin in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Vulnerable Endangered Status Graph - Vulnerable

About This Animal

Takins are large families in the Bovidae family, related to goats and sheep. Sichuan takins are one of four takin subspecies. They stand up to 4.5 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh up to 750 pounds. Both males and females have rear-curving horns. Their skin secretes an oily substance that naturally waterproofs their coat, and they produce a musky scent.

These animals are ruminants, so they regurgitate cud like cows, then chew it before swallowing it again. Sichuan takins are social animals that gather in herds of up to 100 individuals in spring and summer. At other times of the year, they live in small groups or become solitary, if they are mature males. Females give birth in the spring and have kids that stay until the next offspring is born.

Did You Know?

  • Sichuan takins have a dark, bulbous nose with large sinus cavities, which warm up the air they inhale.
  • They migrate annually between high and low elevations and inhabit the same areas as giant pandas.
  • This species is decreasing in number. Takins are overhunted, but efforts to save areas with giant pandas may also benefit them.
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