Taveta golden weaver in exhibit

Taveta Golden Weaver

Scientific Name
Ploceus castaneiceps
Geographic Range
Eastern Kenya and Tanzania
Taveta golden weaver in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern

More Information

Taveta golden weavers are small, 4-inch birds that weigh less than an ounce. Males are bright yellow with a greenish tail and wings and chestnut patches on their nape and chest. Females are darker yellow with dusky streaks, pale underparts and a yellow strip above each eye. These songbirds are noisy and chatter constantly in their large groups, which gather in woodlands and wetlands.

After selecting a mate, females line the nest with grass and soft material. Breeding happens between September and May and females lay two or three eggs, incubating them for about two weeks. Once they hatch, females catch insects and live prey to feed their young.

Did You Know?

  • Although classified as a songbird, many of their vocalizations are described as harsh and unpleasant.
  • Taveta golden weavers are named for the intricate nests woven by males, usually over water. These nests may have several chambers and a long entrance tunnel, and multiple pairs may join to create even more elaborate homes.
  • Females choose mates based on the weaving ability of the males.
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